A typical sheep year at Vreta gård
We put the sheep in the barn and release the rams to the ewes. The ewes are split in two groups with one ram in every group. We note ewes on heat and real coverings.
They have unlimited acccess to water and grass taken from the fields in the summer. They eat outside the barn on a concrete area.
The last lambs to slaugther.
Check ewes on heat to see if first try didn't work.
The rams are taken away from the ewes early January and placed in a separate space. All ewes are hopefully covered.
Late February or early March it's time to cut the wool of the sheeps. We also cut the hoofs.
Some extra energy with oats to the ewes to prepare for lambing.
Lambing and full activity in the barn.
We weigh all lambs and put identity tags in their ears.
Barn during lambing season (April 2010). Foto: Vreta gård
The sheep are releases out in the fields.
Sheep are out in the fields.
The straw bed is taken out from the barn.
Sheep are out in the fields.
Inspection by external person to judge the skin and body of each lamb.
This inspection is the base for a decision for what female lambs we keep as ewes.
Lambs are separated from the ewes to give them time to recover for next sheep year.
First lambs to slaughter.
If needed, we buy a new breeding ram.
Make a new straw bed for the sheep. We put a thick layer of straw on the concrete floor inside the barn.
Lambs to slaughter.
Time to cut the wool of the sheeps and also cut the hoofs.
Lambs to slaughter.